현재 위치
■ 이 책의 특징
The SNU Manual of Surgical Care 외과진료지침 4판의 개정판으로 '영문판'으로 제작되었습니다.
외과 환자 진료와 수술 전후 치료의 방침을 결정하는데 반드시 알아야 할 최신 내용을 빠르게 참고할 수 있도록 간결하게 제시한 외과 매뉴얼로 외과 전공의, 의과대학 학생 뿐만 아니라 외과전문의에게 필요한 지침서입니다.
이 책의 특징
1. 수술 관련 주제들의 체계적인 접근 통해 외과 진료에 대한 정보 제공
2. 외과 분야의 빠른 발전과 진화에 대한 최신 연구 결과와 권고 사항 반영
3. 수술 전후의 환자 관리, 기본 술기 및 절차, 합병증 관리, 수액 및 영양 등
외과 수술의 다양한 영역 및 주제를 포괄
4. 실제 수술 상황 및 실무에 도움이 될 수 있는 지침으로 실용적인 접근 가능
5. 언제나 펼쳐볼 수 있도록 활용이 가능한 포켓 사이즈
6. 국내 및 해외 의료진도 참고할 수 있는 영문판
■ 저자 서문 (5판 발간사)
A surgeon is a medical doctor who treats patients with surgery, which includes open surgical, interventional, and medical treatment. The word “ surgeon” comes from the Greek “kheirourgos”, which means “done by the hand.” A surgeon literally means a doctor treating the patients with his/her hands. In old English proverb, a good surgeon should have an eagle’s eye, a lady’s hand, and a lion’s heart. Knowledge, skills, and a warm or unbreakable heart are essential components to be a successful surgeon.
This manual is designed to serve as a practical guide for surgeons in training, as well as a reference for practicing surgeons. As the faculty of the Department of Surgery, Seoul National University Hospital, one of the most leading academic center with excellence in Korea, we have published the manual for residents and medical students in a clear and concise manner. Since the first edition of the manual was published in 2010, we have revised the manual every few years to keep pace with the rapidly evolving field of surgery. And now, we publish the 5th edition in English to help doctors from other countries.
We are delighted to present the 5th edition of The SNU Manual of Surgical Care, which reflects the latest developments in surgical treatments and care. This edition has been meticulously revised and updated to provide a comprehensive and authoritative guide to surgical care. We are confident that this latest manual will be a valuable resource for surgical residents, practicing surgeons, and medical students alike. We extend our heartfelt thanks to all the contributors, editors, and staff who have worked tirelessly to produce this edition, and we hope that it will continue to serve as a trusted guide to surgical care for many years to come.
May 2023
Seung-Kee MIN,
Professor and Chairman,
Department of Surgery,
Seoul National University College of Medicine
Contributors iii
Preface to the 5th edition of SNU Manual of Surgical Care v
Preface to the 1st edition vii
Preface to the 2nd edition ix
Preface to the 3rd edition xi
Preface to the 4th edition xiii
I. Basic Considerations 3
01 Surgical Infections and Antibiotics 5
02 Fluids and Nutrition 29
03 Critical Care Medicine 69
04 Surgical Complications 95
05 Preoperative Evaluation and Management for Medical Disease 133
06 Basic Surgical Skills 165
07 Symptomatic Surgical Management 203
II. Specific Considerations 231
01 Liver 233
02 Bile Duct and Pancreas 267
03 Gastrointestinal Tract 325
04 Small Intestines 373
05 Colon, Rectum and Anus 387
06 Breast 421
07 Endocrine 453
08 Vascular 491
09 Kidney and Pancreas Transplantation 527
10 Pediatric Surgery 551
11 Trauma 603
12 Liver Transplantation 647
Index 689
도서명 | The SNU Manual of Surgical Care 5 edition(영문판) | 저자, 역자 | 서울대학교 의과대학 외과학교실 지음 |
출판사 | 범문에듀케이션 | 크기 | 127 x 188 mm |
표지, 쪽수 | 페이퍼백 | 720쪽 | 5판 | 제품구성 | 낱권 |
출간일 | 2023년 07월 15일 | 내용 및 목차 | 상품 정보 및 본문 기재 |
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