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사랑니발치(영문판) Extraction of Third Molars _군자출판사


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    할인 :

    적립 마일리지 :

  • 배송비
    0원 조건별배송
    0원 이상 ~ 40,000원 미만 3,000원
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    배송비 계산 기준 : 판매가 + 옵션가 + 추가상품가 + 텍스트옵션가 - 상품할인가 - 상품쿠폰할인가

    전라남도 완도군 소안면 소안로 5,000원
    전라남도 진도군 조도면 5,000원
    경상북도 울릉군 5,000원
    제주특별자치도 3,000원
    택배  /  주문시결제(선결제)
    방문 수령지 : 경기도 고양시 덕양구 청초로 66 (덕은동, 덕은리버워크) A동 808,809호
  • 저자
    Youngsam Kim (김영삼) 저
  • ISBN
  • 출간일
  • 출판사
  • 도서안내
    공급처 사정에 따라 품절 또는 지연될 수 있습니다.
사랑니발치(영문판) Extraction of Third Molars _군자출판사
  • 총 상품금액
  • 총 할인금액
  • 총 합계금액

도서 목차 


Chapter 01. Advantages of Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Chapter 02. Interpretation of Third Molar on Panoramic Radiographs

Chapter 03. Wisdom Tooth Coronectomy

Chapter 04. Anesthesia, Incision, Surgical Flap Design, Suture for highlighted all other Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Chapter 05-1. How to use the Extraction Instruments properly ‘Elevator, Handpiece and Forceps

Chapter 05-2. Extraction of Wisdom Teeth using Low-Speed Handpiece

Chapter 06. Extraction of a Vertically Impacted Mandibular Third Molar

Chapter 07. Mesioangular Impacted Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Chapter 08. Horizontal Impacted Tooth

Chapter 09. Upper Third Molar

Chapter 10. Common Problems related to Extractions of Third Molars

Appendix. Issues with Third Molars


 책 소개


Hello, my name is Youngsam Kim, a dentist who loves to do wisdom teeth extractions.

Let me briefly explain first how I became the wisdom tooth guru. In South Korea, wisdom tooth extractions are very affordable. When I opened my own practice in 2002, a third molar extraction with the highest degree of surgical difficulty cost $30~40, merely 1/100 of the cost of a dental implant in the same area. This is because basic dental care is a publicly funded health service in South Korea, and when a dental treatment is considered a part of publicly funded care, it is illegal to charge the patient any more than what is outlined in the government fee schedule. This had led to many dentists to avoid providing third molar extractions in favor of more productive procedures. When I first started practicing, I considered myself to be mediocre in all other procedures, so I started to see third molar patients that others refused to treat. As much as a half of my daily consisted of third molar extractions, averaging 20th a day, from 100 teeth in a slow month to more than 300~400 in a busier month. from 100 teeth in a slower month to more than 300~400 in a busier month. According to government records, I have extracted the most wisdom teeth in South Korea for the past 17 years. The more wisdom teeth I extracted, the better and faster I became, and the bigger my passion grew; and several years ago, I started writing columns and giving lectures on third molar extractions. As implants grew quite popular in South Korea, there was this newly stirred up interest in third molar extractions as well, which, in turn, made me quite famous as an expert in the field. Interestingly, since providing third molar extractions are much better compensated in other countries, my book and courses received even more attention and demand abroad. So with gratitude, here I am translating my book into English.

In South Korea, where implants are already quite popular, more than 80% of dentists place their own implants these days. In other countries, the proportion may be less, but I believe that it will eventually reach the comparable level, and this will naturally increase the demand for dentists around the world to perform extractions themselves including third molars. I have noticed that most dentists who extract third molars routinely tend to think that they are quite good at what they do, perhaps because at the end of the day, the teeth are all out and the patients all survive.

This may explain the overall lack of resources and platforms available for dentists to learn and improve on this particular topic. In my opinion, however, successful third molar extractions or any other extractions should involve more than just the physical removal of teeth. They should also be performed in a way that is as atraumatic and minimally invasive as possible, so that the patient’s post-operative discomfort is minimized. This book outlines the techniques and skills I have developed through-out my career to achieve the goals of "Easy, Simple, Safe, and Efficient" while also being atraumatic and minimally invasive. I strongly believe that these principles will also allow you to perform all surgical procedures more efficiently and predictably. 

도서명 사랑니발치(영문판) Extraction of Third Molars 저자, 역자 Youngsam Kim (김영삼) 지음
출판사 군자출판사 크기 상품 정보 및 본문 기재
표지, 쪽수 양장본 | 712 쪽 제품구성 낱권
출간일 2018-11-01 내용 및 목차 상품 정보 및 본문 기재


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사랑니발치(영문판) Extraction of Third Molars _군자출판사

사랑니발치(영문판) Extraction of Third Molars _군자출판사
사랑니발치(영문판) Extraction of Third Molars _군자출판사

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