현재 위치
홈<출판사 서평>
Master Techniques in Rhinoplasty is a concise yet comprehensive, multi-authored, multi-specialty surgical text and video atlas that provides all the guidance you need to get the best outcomes in rhinoplasty. Babak Azizzadeh, MD, FACS and other leading experts guide you through both open and endonasal primary and secondary rhinoplasty techniques with the use of step-by-step procedures, color line drawings, intraoperative photographs, and narrated videos on DVD.
- Expertly perform the latest open and endonasal techniques for both primary and revision rhinoplasty and give your patients the outstanding results they demand.
- Choose the most promising approach based on multiple expert viewpoints on the advantages and disadvantages of each approach.
- Review history, personal philosophy, anatomy, preoperative analysis, technique, and postoperative care, and complication avoidance for each procedure – all the information you need to get the best outcomes.
- Master the nuances of each new technique through step-by-step instructions and beautiful, detailed line drawings and intraoperative photographs.
- Watch master surgeons perform techniques in narrated videos on the included DVD.
- Tap into the experience and expertise of leading reconstructive and cosmetic plastic surgeons.
도서명 | Master Techniques in Rhinoplasty with DVD | 저자, 역자 | Babak Azizzadeh 외 지음 |
출판사 | Saunders | 크기 | 216 x 279 mm (A4) |
표지, 쪽수 | 양장본 | 520쪽 | 제품구성 | 낱권 |
출간일 | 2011년 07월 20일 | 내용 및 목차 | 상품 정보 및 본문 기재 |
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Master Techniques in Rhinoplasty with DVD