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ERCP Color Illustration 2e

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ERCP Color Illustration 2e
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<출판사 서평>


“A picture is worth a thousand words.”


Performing endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) needs comprehensive understanding of complex anatomical structures of pancreatobiliary system along with various techniques of ERCP. For this reason, illustrations can be much more informative than written material, especially for teaching and learning purposes.


The editors of this book are pleased to present the second edition of ERCP Color Illustration. The first edition was published in 2009 by wholehearted support of Korean Pancreatobiliary Association.


All the contents in this new edition have been updated by thoroughly reviewing every minute details from the previous edition with the intent to provide the readers with the most current and pertinent information on ERCP. As it had been with the previous edition, this updated edition continues to emphasize more detailed and realistic illustrations related to ERCP. We are confident that this book would prove to be highly useful not only to the endoscopists but also to other healthcare workers in getting relevant information instantly in ERCP suite.


In addition to updating the previous edition, new contents and chapters have been added. In Part 5 of this 2nd edition, new illustrations on several rescue procedures of ERCP, i.e. PTBD, PTCS, gallbladder drainage and recently popular procedure like EUS-guided bile duct drainage, have been included. Part 6 is a new chapter that illustrates ERCP accessories. Tables on accessories that are currently commercially available will help the readers better understand their specifications and characteristic features.


I am privileged to have worked with all enthusiastic editors who have put all their heart and soul into this book, and would truly like to express my deepest gratitude to them. I also would like to express my appreciation to the medical illustrator for their outstanding art work which significantly improved the figures, and also to the publisher for their great teamwork. We, all editors, hope that our readers will find this new edition to be highly informative resource in mastering ERCP.


Kyo-Sang Yoo, MD, PhD






PART Ⅰ Normal and Variant Anatomy of Pancreaticobiliary Tract

1. Overview of bile duct and pancreas

2. Segments of liver

3. Artery and vein of pancreaticobiliary system

4. Biliary tract

5. Pancreas

6. Gallbladder and cystic duct


PART Ⅱ Ampulla of Vater

1. Morphology of major papilla

2. Anatomy of ampulla of Vater

3. Anatomic variations of pancreaticobiliary union

4. Periampullary diverticulum

5. Ampulla of Vater cancer

6. Relaxation and contraction

7. Stenotic and dysfunctional sphincter of Oddi

8. Sphincter of Oddi manometry catheter


PART Ⅲ Biliary Tract

1. Choledochal cyst

2. Types of choledochocele

3. Duplication of extrahepatic bile duct

4. Anomalous union of pancreaticobiliary duct (AUPBD)

5. Biliary tract stones

6. Bile duct injury

7. Postsurgical benign biliary stricture

8. Intrahepatic biliary disease

9. Bile duct cancer

10. Klatskin tumor (Hilar cholangiocarcinoma)

11. Extrahepatic bile duct stricture

12. Gallbladder cancer


PART Ⅳ Pancreas

1. Pancreas divisum

2. Annular pancreas

3. Chronic pancreatitis

4. Pancreas cystic lesion

5. Pancreatic cancer

6. Autoimmune pancreatitis


PART Ⅴ Techniques of ERCP

1. Intubation of duodenoscope

2. Cannulation

3. Altered anatomy

4. Precut

5. Endoscopic sphincterotomy (EST)

6. Drainage

7. Stone extraction

8. Papillectomy

9. Rescue methods of ERCP


PART Ⅵ ERCP Accessories

1. Guidewire

2. Cannula

3. Sphincterotome

4. Dilating catheter

5. Stone extraction basket

6. Stone extraction balloon

7. Plastic stent

8. Metal stent

9. Cytology brush and biopsy forceps

10. Naso-biliary and naso-pancreatic drainage tube

도서명 ERCP Color Illustration 2e 저자, 역자 대한췌장담도학회 지음
출판사 군자출판사 크기 212 x 275 mm (A4)
표지, 쪽수 양장본 | 220쪽 제품구성 낱권
출간일 2020-04-17 내용 및 목차 상품 정보 및 본문 기재


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ERCP Color Illustration 2e

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